She was the recipient of the Padma Bhushan award and acted in Tamil, Kannada, and Telugu movies. Padmini was also awarded the title "Naattiya Pehroli" (Danseuse), honouring her contribution to Bharathanatyam in cinema. Her other Bollywood films included Payal (1957), Babubhai Mistry's Mahabharat (1965), etc. In two of her popular Bollywood films - Mera Naam Joker and Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai - she was paired against the legendary Bollywood star, Raj Kapoor. Some of her popular Malayalam films include Prasanna, Snehaseema, Vivaahitha, Adhyaapika, Kumaarasambhavam, Nokkethadoorath Kannumnatt, Vasthuhara, Dolar, and many others. Some of her noted Tamil films include Anbu, Thankapadumai, Thillana Mohanambal, Viyatnam veedu, Ethir Parathadhu, Mankayar thilakam, Poove Poo chooda vaa. Her association with Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji Ganesan starts ith the film Panam in 1952. Ezhai Padum Padu (1950) was her first film in Tamil. She became the most popular actress and dancer of the Tamil film industry and most of her movies are shot in Tamil. She was fluent in all of the four mentioned languages, and was able to use her own voice to dub the films between these languages. She acted in Tamil,Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi language films. "Padmini" in Sanskrit means "She who sits on the lotus" and refers to the goddess Lakshmi. Padmini was an Indian actress and trained Bharathanatyam dancer who acted in over 250 Indian movies. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar and gained recognition for her glamorous portrayal. In 1944, Rajakumari starred in the record-breaking film Haridas alongside MK. Subramaniam later insisted that he was the one who introduced her to films. There is some confusion about in which film she actually made her debut as Kacha Devayani's director K. Her second film Kacha Devayani (1941) was a hit and helped launch her career in movies. Rajakumari" in the 1939 Tamil film Kumara Kulothungan which was an average grosser. She has been called the first "dream girl" of Tamil cinema.
Rajakumari was a Tamil film actress, Carnatic singer and dancer. Thanjavur Ranganayaki Rajayee popularly known by her screen name TR. Here are the actresses who made an important mark in this industry from its early stage till now. Many actresses come and go in this industry from its early stage till now some actresses make a mark in tamil film industry. Even today there are many upcoming actresses in this industry. There have been many actresses in tamil cinema from its early stage till date.